Sweetgrass Baskets and Dry Accessories by Michael and Jovelyn Ellis Handed down for over 300 years, Generations, Family mother to daughter com, sweetgrasspalm, Sweetgrass Baskets, Bread Baskets, Palmetto Roses, Gullah Baskets, Shell Fans, Rice Fanners, Palm cross, Palmetto Wreath, Wreath, Charleston Sweetgrass Baskets, Repair Sweetgrass Baskets, Authentic,
SweetGrass Baskets and Dry Accessories Sweet grass basket making was brought to South Carolina by slaves who came from West Africa. These functional baskets were used on the plantations and sold for extra income for the slave owners. Today the West African descendents keep the basket making tradition alive in Mount Pleasant. Charleston SC, this heritage is pass the down generation to generation from grandmother to mother to daughter and in some cases to extended family member now. It is still practice to this day where entire family members sew these baskets. The men and the boys go out to harvest the material while the ladies and girls sew the baskets. we also make the traditional popcorn wreath (seasonally) great for over the fire place and door where. And of cause the old fashion and original bread baskets. The everlasting palmetto rose-the story goes that the young ladies would give these roses to a love one that the rose and the love one would return soon we are now located in Mount Pleasant SC
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            Palmetto Roses           Baskets                Hand Fans            
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